Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Over 170 Academics from Around the World Demand India Restore High-Speed Internet, Release Kashmiri Political Prisoners
The following letter was sent from the Kashmir Scholars Consultative and Action Network (KSCAN) and Concerned Academics & Professionals from around the world to the World Health Organization, UN Special Rapporteurs, and various international health organizations. You can view the official letter here.

We the undersigned would like to bring to your notice the debilitating communications lockdown that has been in place in Indian-controlled Kashmir for the past seven months. Despite the region reporting multiple positive cases of Covid-19, the Indian government has, criminally, barred residents from accessing reliable, high-speed internet. Only recently, through an administrative diktat, the Indian authorities extended the ban on high-speed internet until 26th of March.

Residents constantly report the unreliability and slowness of low-speed internet (2G) in opening basic web pages, let alone using it for data-heavy purposes like accessing medical and educational resources.
As a reminder, the maximum speed of 2G is about 50 Kbps; that of a 4G network, the current global standard, when the device is moving is 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps when the caller is stationary or walking. That means, even in these times of a global pandemic — where timely access to critical information by the doctors and the public might be a key to survival — India is punishing Kashmiris via an internet 2,000 to 20,000 times slower than the rest of the world. The actions of the Indian government constitute denial of critical and humanitarian assistance and as such are criminal and a breach of the Geneva Conventions. The centrality of a reliable communications channel in tackling this global pandemic cannot be overstated, as was recently expressed by the UN Human Rights Special Rapporteurs.

Apart from allowing individuals and families to access the latest information on how to keep themselves safe from the Corona virus, high-speed internet allows healthcare professionals to be aware of the latest information regarding managing the impending medical crisis as well as to stay in touch with their colleagues around the globe for advice.
As we are already seeing in countries across Europe and America, reliable internet also allows day-to-day economic and educational functions to operate substantially during any social-distancing measures, which are central to preventing community spread of this highly contagious disease. It is also urgent to bring to your attention the plight of hundreds of Kashmiri political prisoners, who remain detained in unhygienic conditions in various jails in Kashmir and across India, and are therefore at a grave and increased risk of infection. Global health experts have urged the immediate release of prisoners, and we second these calls.
Given that the transnational, well-respected group Genocide Watch has placed Indian Occupied, and now Annexed, Kashmir on Genocide Alert, the genocidal intent of the Occupation apparatus is already established. Some of the public information being distributed by the Indian state wrongly indicates that asymptomatic people who arrive from areas of contagion or who have been in close proximity to people infected with Covid-19 are “safe” and do not require testing. Moreover, many people arriving from high-infection areas were not tested at the Srinagar airport. The first Kashmiri presenting Covid-19 returned from Saudi Arabia on March 16th, and was tested positive only on March 18th. The range of contagion during those two very critical days could have been limited and prevented by strict quarantine, but it was not. Add to this, the uniquely cruel punishment of a deliberately slow internet. The negligence of the Indian State towards Kashmiris’ safety can be explicitly seen as criminal and in fact, genocidal.
Through your good offices, we — the multiple Kashmiri and non-Kashmiri scholars, medical as well as public healthcare professionals and academics living across the globe — urge the Indian government to immediately restore high-speed internet connectivity in the region and, unconditionally, release all Kashmiri political prisoners. As Kashmir heads into this pandemic with a severely underdeveloped public health infrastructure and healthcare system, as result of decades of militarization, it is imperative that the Indian government allow its residents to make use of virtual technologies to their maximum potential in order to alleviate the dreadful impact of this virus. Ensuring the alleviation of the pandemic in Kashmir is urgent for Kashmiris as well as for the region and the world.
Thank you for your time and attention.
- Dean Accardi, Assistant Professor of History, Connecticut College, USA
- Binish Ahmed, Ph.D. Candidate, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
- Omer Aijazi, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto, Canada
- Dibyesh Anand, Professor of International Relations, University of Westminster, UK
- Mirza Saaib Beg, Lawyer, London, UK
- Mona Bhan, Associate Professor of Anthropology and the Ford Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, Syracuse University, USA
- Emma Brännlund, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), UK
- Farhan Mujahid Chak, Associate Professor, Qatar University, Qatar
- Angana Chatterji, University of California, Berkeley
- Huma Dar, Adjunct Professor, California College of Arts, USA
- Haley Duschinski, Associate Professor, Ohio University, USA
- Iffat Fatima, Filmmaker, India
- Mohammed Tahir Ganie, Assistant Professor, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, Ireland
- Javaid Hayat Khan, Ph. D. Independent Researcher and Analyst, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Serena Hussain, Associate Professor, Coventry University, UK
- Khushdeep Kaur, Ph.D. Candidate, Temple University, USA
- Nitasha Kaul, Associate Professor, University of Westminster, UK
- Shrimoyee Nandini Ghosh, Lawyer and Legal Researcher, India
- Mohamad Junaid, Assistant Professor, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, USA
- Hafsa Kanjwal, Assistant Professor of History, Lafayette College, USA
- Mir Fatimah Kanth, Ph.D. Student, University of California, San Diego, USA
- Ain Ul Khair, Central European University
- Suvir Kaul, A.M. Rosenthal Professor, Department of English, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Zunaira Komal, Ph.D. Candidate, University of California, Davis, USA
- Fozia Nazir Lone, Associate Professor of International Law, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Laura Lucia Notaro, Consultant, Sustainable Development, Milan, Italy
- Inshah Malik, Assistant Professor, Kardan University, Kabul, Afghanistan
- Deepti Misri, Associate Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
- Preetika Nanda, Research Scholar, India
- Raja Qaiser Ahmad, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
- Immad Nazir, Research Scholar, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Goldie Osuri, Associate Professor, University of Warwick, UK
- Idrisa Pandit, Independent Scholar, Waterloo, Canada
- Samina Raja, Professor, University of Buffalo, USA
- Torrun Arnsten Sajjad, Department of Community Medicine and Global Health, University of Oslo, Norway
- Mehroosh Tak., Lecturer, Royal Veterinary College, London, UK
- Nishita Trisal, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
- Saiba Varma, Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego, USA
- Haris Zargar, Ph.D. Candidate, International Institute of Social Sciences, The Hague, Netherlands
- Ather Zia, Assistant Professor, University of Northern Colorado, USA
- Mirza Waheed, Novelist, London
- Dr Priyamvada Gopal, Cambridge University
- Khawaja Khalid Rauf, IT Admin. Hamburg, Germany
- Aamir Rashid Najar, IT consultant, Hamburg, Germany
- Tavseef Mairaj, PhD candidate, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
- Mudasir Wazir, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Umar Lateef Misgar, University of Westminster, London
- Ikram Ullah, University of Marburg, Germany
- Ramya Maddali, Académie d’Orléans-Tours, Orléans, France
- Aashna Jamal, Economist, Timor-Leste
- Hashim Syed, Visual Anthropologist, University of Münster, Germany
- Zara Bakshi, Researcher, Ashoka University
- Annapurna Menon, University of Westminster, London
- Suhail Yousuf, PhD, Heidelberg University Medical Center and German Cancer Research Center, Germany
- Pooja Krishnakumar, PhD candidate, SOAS, University of London, United Kingdom
- Saima Rashid, Post-Grad student, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Tara Vidisha Ghose, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom
- Tara Bhat, SOAS University of London, London, United Kingdom
- Maya Bhardwaj, SOAS — University of London, UK
- Gehna Kapoor
- Saquib Farooq, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Dr. Haneen Bég, Kumudini Womens Medical College and Hospital, Bangladesh
- Aruna Chaudhuri, London, United Kingdom
- Waseem Malik, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, JNU, India.
- Rabia Latif Khan, PhD candidate, SOAS, University of London
- Syed Burhan Gilani, MBBS student, Bolan Medical College, Quetta
- Ummi Ammarah, Joint PhD student between KU Leuven, Belgium and University of Turin, Italy.
- Arshita Nandan
- Tanvi Surana, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
- Huma Raiel Assad, Junior Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore
- Sarah Lina Ewald, PhD candidate, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Abhishek Mukhopadhyay, France
- Burooj Ghani, PhD Candidate, University of Göttingen, Germany
- Iffat Rashid, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Faisal Wani, PhD candidate, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
- Alia Andleeb, University of East Anglia, UK
- Shams Rehman, JKTV Live
- Abdulfatah Yousfi, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia
- Tridib Bhattacharya, SOAS University of London
- Amit Kumar, Student, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi
- Evita, National Alliance of People’s Movements.
- Zeeshan Mushtaq, PhD Candidate, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- Peer Viqar Ul Aslam, Chairman, Human Rights and Relief Foundation
- Nimra Neyaz,M.Sc student,Jamia Hamdard University,India
- Mubashir Ahmad, PhD, Ulm University, Germany.
- Dr. Basit Yousuf, Canadian Blood Services, Canada
- Abdul Muqeet Khan, Director of Internal Audit, QInvest
- Shaikh Akhtar Rasool, Technical Architect, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Atiya Husain, Assistant Professor, University of Richmond, US
- Nouf Bazaz, Clinical Assistant Professor, Loyola University Maryland, USA
- Aparna Gopalan, PhD Candidate, Harvard University
- Divya Cherian, Assistant Professor, Princeton University
- Sheetal Chhabria, Associate Professor, Connecticut College
- Audrey Truschke, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
- Dr Fayaz Dar
- Mariam Duranni, Assistant Professor, Hamilton College
- Walter N. Hakala, Associate Professor, University at Buffalo, USA
- Akshaya Tankha, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
- Dr. Dina M Siddiqi, New York University
- Dr Shoukat Rashid Dar MD Emergentologist HMC Doha.
- Atif Shahzad, System Integration Specialist, Hamburg, Germany.
- Tapsi Mathur, Assistant Professor of History, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Dr. M Ashraf Bhat, Jazan University, KSA
- Hasan Aahraf, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
- Dr. Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, Barnard College, Columbia University
- Dia Da Costa, University of Alberta
- Alan Greig
- Dr. Beth Capper, Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta
- Terri Tomsky, Associate Professor, University of Alberta
- Dr. Dip Kapoor, Professor, University of Alberta
- Dr. Shama Rangwala, University of Alberta
- Dr. Natasha Hurley, Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
- Dr. Neha Vora, Lafayette College
- Iqbal Javeed, Lead Consultant
- Dr. Ananya Chakravarti, Associate Professor of History, Georgetown University
- Amit Kumar
- Supriya Nayak, Dance artist, Toronto
- Mubbashir Rizvi, Georgetown University
- Noaman G. Ali, Assistant Professor, Lahore University of Management Sciences
- Monica Gyamlani, Student, National Film and Television School
- Dr. Tasaduk Hussain Itoo, Chairman cum Director J & K Innovative Foundation For Transforming Society (JKIFTS)
- Praveen Kolluguri, Propositions Specialist, British Telecom. CEO, foodBae
- Abdullah Al-Arian, Associate Professor, UniversityGeorgetown University in Qatar
- Hamsa Stainton, Assistant Professor, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
- Visvaksen P, South Asian Studies, SOAS, University of London
- Tim Newfield, Assistant Professor, History and Biology, Georgetown University
- Yodit Tesfamicael, Education Policy Studies Department, University of Alberta
- Lebogang Disele, Department of Drama, University of Alberta
- Sara Hakeem Grewal, Assistant Professor, MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB
- Eddy Kent, Associate Professor of English, University of Alberta
- Shaista Patel, Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego
- Debjani Bhattacharyya, Assistant Professor, Drexel University, Philadelphia.
- Dr. Janice Williamson, Professor Emeritus of English, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
- Junaid Quadri, Department of History, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Ania Loomba Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania
- Projit Bihari Mukharji, Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania.
- David Ludden, New York University
- Nama Khalil, Adjunct Professor, Columbus College of Art and Design
- Arooj Khalil, Queen Mary, University of London
- Gillian Robinson, PhD student, Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta
- Zareena Grewal Assoc Prof Ethnicity Race & Migration Yale University
- Banazeer Yaqoob, University of Alberta
- Lorena Espinoza Guerrero, Central European University
- Hoda Bandeh-Ahmadi, Director of Social Research, Center for Surgical Training and Research, University of Michigan
- Daniel Muth, Central European University
- Antonio Alcazar III, Central European University
- SherAli Tareen, Associate Professor Department of Religious Studies, Franklin and Marshall College
- Malavika Kasturi, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Toronto
- Anjum Rafiqi, Sydney
- Danial Asmat, PhD, Research Economist, Washington D.C.
- Chinnaiah Jangam, Associate Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
- Areej Alshammiry, Graduate Student, Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Renan Silva, Central European University
- Junaid S. Ahmad, Assistant Professor of Islam and Decolonial Thought, University of Management and Technology
- Aslam Mehmood Bachh, BE Electronics, FSR Unity Lab Services
- Omar M. Ramahi, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
- Aasim Amin, Research Scientist, Germany
- Dr. Sadequl Islam, Professor & Chair, Department of Economics, Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada
- Erick D. Langer, Professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
- Manjita Mukharji
- Bhavani Raman, University of Toronto, Canada.
- Dr. Romina Ruvalcaba, University of California, Merced.
- Michael Litwack, Assistant Professor, Department of English & Film Studies, University of Alberta
- Nadia Khan, Doctoral Candidate, University of Chicago Divinity School
- Rohan D’Souza, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University.
- Ayesha Sadaf, post doctoral researcher
- Ahmed Mobeen, PhD Research Scholar, IGIB, India
- Giancarlo Grignaschi, PhD student, Central European University, Budapest
- Anam Zakaria, Oral Historian and Author
- Kalpana Wilson, Lecturer in Geography, Birkbeck, University of London
- Zahida War, King’s College London, UK
- Sadhvi Dar, Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Remi Joseph-Salisbury, University of Manchester’s
- Diwas Raja Kc, Head of Research & Archives, Nepal Picture Library
- Waseem Yaqoob, Queen Mary University of London
- Matteo Mandarini, Queen Mary University of London
- Akshi Singh, Queen Mary University of London
- Nivi Manchanda, Queen Mary University of London
- Chris Moffat, Queen Mary University of London
- Amina Mir, Doctoral Researcher, University of Westminster
- Feyzi Ismail, SOAS, University of London
- Lilia Sablina, PhD student, Central European University
- Sanaz Raji, Independent Scholar & Migrant Rights Campaigner
- Simon Layton, Queen Mary University of London
- Devyani Sharma, Queen Mary University of London
- Dr Gwyneth Lonergan, Lancaster University
- Navyug Gill, William Paterson University
- Dr. Nicole Wolf, University of London
- Dr Drew Milne, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Dr Tanzil Chowdhury, Queen Mary University of London
- Dr Naaz Rashid, University of Sussex
- John L Esposito, Georgetown University
- Zeinab Drabu, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- Madhusree Mukerjee, Author, Churchill’s Secret War
- Virinder Kalra, University of Warwick
- Dr.K.W.Hassan, Central University of Kashmir
- Marcia Chatelain, Ph.D., Georgetown University
- Dr Lotika Singha, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Wolverhampton, UK
- Professor Robert Hampson, University of London
- Dr Arshad Rather, FRCP, University college London
- Nisha Nath, PhD, Athabasca University, Canada